The Rabbi and The Shrink

#14: John Register - Heroism on One Foot

June 03, 2021 Rabbi Yonason Goldson and Dr. Margarita Gurri, CSP Episode 14
The Rabbi and The Shrink
#14: John Register - Heroism on One Foot
Show Notes

Why is ignorance a gift?
Children come with innocence; when do we lose our own?
Why are we afraid to tell our own truth?
How does sympathy drive us apart?
If I have 16,729 friends , why do I feel so alone?

Join us as we discuss these and other compelling topics with Paralympian and executive coach John Register on this episode of The Rabbi and the Shrink.

1:00 People are uncomfortable telling their truths and articulating the object of their fears

All fear stems from fear of the unknown

2:30 Kids are willing to say what adults are afraid to

Embrace the new normal

New is “no prior frame of reference”

5:00 Kids come with innocence… when did we lose ours?

Labels and categories create tension

Empathy vs. sympathy

Honor and respect others for who they are and on their terms

10:00 Have low expectations and work to raise the bar

11:00 Ignorance is a good thing if it makes us curious

We need to be inquisitive and want to expand our knowledge base

14:00 The fear of being misinterpreted of of inadvertently giving offense suppresses our curiosity

16:00 Swifter, higher, stronger -- always set the bar higher above each plateau

The nature of steps -- the top of one is the bottom of the next

A door is a point of transition: always look for the next door

20:00 How do we manage a step backward?

Always tell the truth and take responsibility

23:00 We all have disabilities -- some are more evident than others

Give every person the benefit of the doubt that they are trying to overcome their own challenges

27:00 Find the quiet space in your daily routine and use them as anchoring rituals

Develop good habits and avoid decision fatigue

32:00 We need support systems

Friendship is a profound gift, and we need to seek out people of quality and invest ourselves in them

34:00 We need to be able to take so others can give

36:00 Giving hard news, making hard decisions, supporting others in their decisions

38:30 Relationships may never recover from trust betrayed

Standing up for principles, even when there’s a price to pay

42:00 In a culture of trust, there is less opportunity for giving or taking offense

When truth outweighs fear, we commit to a courageous life

46:00 Tell people closest to you your secrets, then you won’t have to be afraid they will come out

Integrity calls us to take responsibility and be accountable

50:00 Word of the day: interstice -- take a pause

We should respond, not react, which requires us to take a moment before we speak or act

52:00 What’s one area where you can bring a truth to light and share it with another?

56:00 The founder of the Paralympics

The refusal to accept that circumstances can’t be improved is the essence of ethics